Project development
Building with a passion
for the city.
We are highly experienced project developers and support reliable and transparent management of real estate projects across the entire range.
- Project initiation
- Project design
- Market analysis
- Location analysis
- Usage analysis
- Competition analysis
- Risk analysis
- Project financing
- Cost analysis
- Project marketing
We also have local knowledge of the fast-paced Berlin real estate market. This includes the mood in local neighbourhoods, the local politics and how the authorities operate. Essentially, we turn the complexity of building in Berlin into something manageable. Plus, we are familiar to many as a partner who can be trusted and take our own criteria very seriously in creating liveable localities for the city, buyers, tenants and investors.

Property developers
beats words.
How do you recognise an excellent property developer? On the one hand, someone with a good reputation in the industry, with the authorities, in politics, with banks and in the media. And secondly, that the buildings are persuasive: with imagination, with structural quality and ultimately with satisfied customers or tenants as well. To this end, every project must create values – for the neighbourhood and for the investor. We stand behind this wholeheartedly and can point out a large number of reference properties that validate the way we work.

For liveable localities.
We plan and build quality of life. The tools we use for this are our creativity, imagination, and technical innovations. As such, our focus is always on people, because a building only generates value if people want to occupy, live and work in it. The well-known “roof over your head” notion creates no value – neither for the residents nor for the neighbourhood or the investor. The architecture, materials and workmanship have to be excellent and of value themselves. One thing they must not be: an end in themselves. That’s why we value trust, reliability, clear procedures and respect for the history of locations. We endeavour to live these values because we have always been a family company and always will be.
Aus Gedanken
werden Häuser.

Am Anfang steht immer der Gedanke. Jedes Haus beginnt mit einer Idee. Aus der Vision werden Pläne. Aus der Planung wird Schritt für Schritt Realität. So einfach und banal dieser Prozess klingt, so herausfordernd ist dessen erfolgreiche Umsetzung. Dafür braucht es Wissen, Erfahrung, Fingerspitzengefühl und nicht zuletzt die richtigen Partner. Als Projektentwickler begleiten wir den Entstehungsprozess über die ganze Zeit. Dabei gilt immer unsere Maxime: Der Mensch steht im Mittelpunkt. Und Erfolg ist, wenn alle Beteiligten mit Stolz und Freude auf ihr Haus blicken.
Wir sind…
Denken kommt vor Bauen. Wir entwickeln Ideen für Immobilien. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabeiauf Berlin. Hier kennen wir uns aus. Wir sehen die Wünsche der Menschen. Und dieEigenheiten der einzelnen Bezirke und Kieze. Aus Berlin kommen in der Regel auch unserePartner. Kompetenz, Fachwissen und gute Verbindungen bilden das Fundament. Daran teilzuhaben, lebenswerte Städte zu gestalten, ist unser Antrieb. Das Ergebnis? Häuser, in denen Wohnen und Arbeiten nachhaltig Freude bereitet.
Kunst kommt von Können. Die Menschen, die unsere Ideen bauen, sind echte Könner. Vielleicht sind es sogar Baukünstler. Oder beides. Fakt ist: Das über Jahre aufgebaute Vertrauen lässt keinen Platz für Jasager. Dafür aber umso mehr für kreative Lösungen. So gelingt es uns als Bauträger, Häuser umzusetzen, die nicht jeder kann. Und das in einer Qualität, wie man sie nur noch selten findet. Am Ende profitieren unsere Kunden von der Ideenkraft, Bauqualität und Langlebigkeit unserer Häuser. Ganz unabhängig davon, ob es sich um Käufer oder Mieter, Gewerbe oder Wohnen handelt.
Jedes Projekt beginnt mit einer genauen Analyse. So weit, so gut. Der Unterschied liegt im Detail. Wir untersuchen nicht nur die finanziellen Perspektiven, sondern auch Lebensqualität und bauliche Möglichkeiten. Jedes Haus beginnt deshalb mit genauem Zuhören – Architekten, Partnern und Experten ebenso wie Nachbarn und potentiellen Kunden. Auf dieser Basis entstehen unsere Ideen. Unser Ansatz ermöglicht uns im Anschluss aber auch eine ehrliche, detaillierte und kompetente Beratung von Kaufinteressenten. Auch lange nach dem Verkauf bleiben wir Ansprechpartner.

needs smart people.
Econcept is a family company. With Phil Marbé the next generation is in the starting blocks. The handover from father Rainer Bahr to his son is taking place as scheduled and over a long period. Both combine not only our goals but also our way of working as versatile all-rounders.

Rainer Bahr
Managing director Rainer Bahr established Econcept in 1991 as a financial consultancy focusing on real estate loans and business start-ups. It soon developed into something bigger. In 1994, Econcept was therefore rebranded as Immobilien und Projektentwicklung KG. Since then, he has developed and implemented mainly numerous residential buildings – existing and new – but also commercial projects of more than €350 million. In addition, Econcept has carried out many project developments for its partners.

Phil Marbé
Phil Marbé has been an executive director of Econcept since 2017. Prior to that, he studied business administration majoring in real estate management at the School of Economics and Law in Berlin. At the same time, he worked as part of the dual system of vocational education and practical training at the commercial real estate specialist TLG Immobilien AG, where he was mainly employed in the financing and investor relations departments as well as corporate communications. At Econcept Phil Marbé works as a senior product developer.
You don’t build a house
all by yourself.

Our partners have confidence in us. Whether it’s banks, investors and co-investors, architects, tradesmen, buyers or tenants. Over the decades we have created a network that implements unique projects in outstanding quality.
The specialists and co-investors at Minerva and Eqviva play a key role in this. Together we reliably cover virtually the entire range of services from the original idea to the initial ground-breaking ceremony to when we tighten the final screw and complete the sale.
Minerva advises investors. In addition, the experts at Minerva in transaction, asset and investment management act as initiators and co-investors. Minerva accompanies our joint projects professionally under the direction of Holger Rausch.
Eqviva joins Econcept as a project manager, co-investor and client representative on a considerable number of projects. Under the management of director Tilo Krause, Eqviva goes beyond the standard requirements. Every detail counts. The result is transparency and legal as well as financial security throughout and beyond the entire construction phase.