econcept Berlin

The company
to be valued.
We create and construct buildings for people. We turn good ideas into reality. Whether for living or working in, smart architecture always focuses on people. It looks far into the future, as ultimately it should provide users and neighbours with pleasure for many years to come. We act accordingly from the initial idea all the way to completion. In cooperation with our partners and clients, our good ideas become tangible values.

is human.
The playing field of architecture and project development is where we live. Whether for private use or for work: creating spaces in which people will still feel comfortable in decades to come is an art. Especially if they are to be distinguished by a superior level of stable value.

Every building creates
a piece of identity.
We are proud of the buildings that people enjoy. Especially when this joy lasts for years and decades to come. This can only occur if our projects are distinguished by their stable value and quality of life. Thus, each individual building provides everyone involved with a piece of identity – whether they are investors, tradesmen, employees, users and tenants.

Added value for people.
We seek to create added value. On the one hand for the people who occupy, live and work in our buildings. And, on the other hand, for our urban society in general and for the people in the neighbourhood in particular. If we manage to do that, then we all score a win – including the buyers and investors. We regard money here as a form of stored energy that gets people and material moving.

The future
is moving.
We are constantly evolving. We combine innovations with proven methods and ways of working. This unique mixture of new thinking, years of experience and perfect craftsmanship is what makes us different. In addition, actions speak louder than words. We’d like to give you a look behind the scenes. With news and interesting particulars of our current projects.
November 2022 – Together with more than 100 guests we celebrated the topping-out ceremony of our project MIOS in Berlin-Buch on 25.11.2022 –
October 2022. Fall has arrived in the Ludwig Hoffmann Quarter! The yellow-orange leaves compete with the yellow packaging of the Yton bricks from Xella Deutschland GmbH used on the MIOS-construction site.
All the bricks were delivered on time for the construction of the structural shell. Now it is time for the final push for the completion of the structural work!

Good contacts
make the difference.
We are approachable. If you have any questions about our projects or are interested in a cooperation you are welcome to call us directly.
econcept Immobilien und
Projektentwicklung KG (GmbH & Co)
Belforter Straße 8, 10405 Berlin
Tel: + 49 (0) 30.44 01 22–0
Fax: + 49 (0) 30.44 01 22–22